Looking for a good, free book?

I believe that good books are like good friends.  They are there when you need them; they can help you solve problems; they can help you understand situations.  Reading is one of the most important ways of learning about and knowing the world, the world outside yourself and the world inside of you.  

Please read.

Please read good books.  Good books for me are books that I like.  If you are reading a book you don't like, well, don't read it.  Find one you like.  (Sometimes we have to read books for school or work that we aren't too interested in, but I am not talking about those books.)

Money is not a concern because there are so many ways to get free or really inexpensive books.  Here are a few of my favorite places to get free or inexpensive books.

1. The public library.  If your neighborhood has a public library you can borrow a book for a few weeks. The library is also a great place to get recommendations because librarians are brilliant!

2. Project Gutenberg.  This is the place to find out of print books.  Their books are searchable by title or author or topic or language or... you get the idea.  I did a search for Children's Literature and got more than 180,000 matches.

3. Internet Archive.  This place has everything.  Yes, everything.  Go take a look because it is a bit too big to explain.

4. Kindle Free books.  If you use Kindle (a free reader as an app or online), you can search for free books.  I just did and found over 500,000 results.

5. Used Book Stores.  Search for a used bookstore or if you are in the US you can go to my favorite used books store, Half Price Books.

Don't forget about borrowing books from friends, Little Free Libraries, garage sales, ...  So many possibilities and so many good books!

Now it's time to dream, time to wonder.

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